Tìm Kiếm Bài Đã Đăng

Diễn Đàn Cựu Sinh Viên Quân Y
© 2017
General Viet Luong and Col.(ret.) Duong Nguyen at the 2016 Commeration of Asian-American Soldiers (Army Historical Foundation in Arlington, VA.)

General Viet Luong and Col.(ret.) Duong Nguyen at the 2016 Commeration of Asian-American Soldiers (Army Historical Foundation in Arlington, VA.)

General Shinseki (former Chief of Staff, US Army) and Col. (ret.) Duong Nguyen

General Shinseki (former Chief of Staff, US Army) and Col. (ret.) Duong Nguyen

TThe Chinese symbol for CRISIS combines the characters for DANGER and OPPORTUNITY.

Crisis= Danger + Opportunity

危機 = 危險 + 機會

During a crisis, for example an earthquake or a flood, opportunities for looting explode as well as many acts of heroism and selfless community services. Similar instances like famine, social upheavals, revolution, and war create opportunities for black markets, military advancements, societal order change, and military industrial complex proliferation.

During the French Revolution of 1789: the Terror crisis was followed by the ascent of Napoleon who declared himself Emperor of France. He later crowned his 4 brothers as Kings of 4 other countries in Europe. World War I created turmoil in Europe as a result Lenin and Stalin seized power in Russia then Hitler in Germany. Similarly, the crisis of WW II became the opportunities for the American Generals Eisenhower, Patton and McArthur to shine.

Now, let’s talk about President Trump: He said:

                                    “1- Think big

                                      2- Stay focus

                                      3- Be paranoid: People are mean and vicious. Even your friend, if condition arises, will take advantage of you and steal your pretty wife.”

By his quote, we can say pretty much that he has a personality disorder:  megalomania, obsessive/compulsive/narcissist trait (Trump tower, golf courses, planes...), paranoia, high powered (he slept only 4 hours nightly) and self assured person.

About his  family, it is well under control (Confucius once said: “Te Gia, Tri Quoc, Binh Thien Ha” which can be loosely translated as if he/she can control his/her  family, he/she can rule the nation and pacify the earth).

While some people profited from crisis, Trump, rich by birth, creates crisis.

Possible outcome:  Trump is a billionaire surrounded by a cabinet consists of multi-millionaires and retired generals, who can be considered a high IQ staff; his children are also CEO of big companies. Cavalierly creating crisis will lead to mistakes and the gravity of outcome will depend on the severity of the mistakes.

Nguyen Duong, M.D., M.P.H.
